To use my harness, you will remove the Honda male connector and seal from the Honda sensor assembly and transfer them over to my harness. This is non-invasive and preserves the Honda sensor assembly without cutting any wires should you decide to reverse the operation for any reason.

Full Instructions are provided with each upgrade harness order. Here is the essence:

Using a dental pick or similar tool, carefully pull out the round rubber Honda weather seal. Pull it out about an inch. Skipping this step will ruin your day. 

Using a NEW BLADE in an Exacto knife or box cutter, carefully liberate the round Honda seal from the Honda harness as shown. This is non-invasive and preserves the Honda assembly without cutting any wires should you decide to reverse the operation for any reason.

Using a 6.3mm (1/4”) pin extractor, remove the male spade terminals pins from the Honda connector as shown in the photo below. It’s important that you insert the extractor into the correct end as shown! This takes a bit of “fiddling, but no heavy forces. Use a bright flashlight or magnifying glass, if necessary, make sure you are entering the correct slot. There are 2 slots surrounding each spade terminal. Only 1 of the slots contains the “latch.”  Usually, Honda installed the spade terminals latched toward the “outside” of the connector, but I’ve seen many exceptions. Sometimes, you may feel you need 3 hands. Even after the latch is released, the snug fit of the spade terminal in the block will require a bit of persuasion to move.

This is the terminal extraction tool you will need. It's available here:

6.3mm Terminal Extraction Tool

Amazon has many other options as well. 

Your finished assembly will look like this: